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Rev. Mallory Nickerson

Coronavirus Update March 19 2020

Hello all,

As we continue in our altered schedules, I want to let you know that the online worship service is coming together. It will be available by a video link on our websites. We're working to have it ready for Sunday morning. You'll be able to access it on both Osceola's and Belair's websites ( and This won't be a live worship service, so you can access it anytime after Sunday morning, but if you want to watch at the time you normally worship, that would certainly be appropriate and help all of us have a sense that we're gathering together. If you know of someone who cannot access the internet, send me an email and I'll see what I can do to help.

Also on the websites, you'll find a "news" tab, where you can find the emails I have sent out. Any updates will be sent both by email and posted there.

This may go without saying, but even as we suspend activities, the financial needs of the church go on. I encourage you to continue giving, as you are able, in these strange and unprecedented circumstances by mail or by dropping your tithes at the church. At Osceola, our mailbox operates as a lockbox. At Belair, there is a lockbox on the wall outside the office door.

Finally, I urge you to continue being a church family. Make time to call on check on one another and your other neighbors. Though we are physically distant, let's keep the spirit of closeness in our community.



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